In September 2012, a number of “smelter-level” tungsten producers met in Beijing on the margins of the International Tungsten Industry Association Annual Meeting to discuss possible tungsten-specific approaches to meeting customer and statutory requirements of the Dodd-Frank Act provisions for conflict minerals.
Subsequently, a working group of representatives from ATI, Global Tungsten & Powders/Plansee Group/Ceratizit, H.C. Starck, Kennametal and Wolfram Bergbau & Hütten/Sandvik, in conjunction with the Metal Powder Industries Federation’s Refractory Metals Association (RMA) and the International Tungsten Industry Association (ITIA), met and crafted the Tungsten Industry—Conflict Minerals Council (TI-CMC) to address the above mentioned needs.
The Council’s program is endorsed by RMA and ITIA. The basis for the TI-CMC can be found in the Tungsten Industry—Conflict Minerals Commitment, a framework through which its members can provide industry stakeholders, downstream tungsten consumers with conflict minerals reporting and disclosure obligations, as well as the public at large with their assurances that the tungsten products they supply are conflict free. Currently, the Council is also in active contact with various Asian tungsten companies and associations.
TI-CMC currently represent the majority of global tungsten smelters and a number of supporter members all agreeing to abide by our commitment document.
TI-CMC Board of Directors
TI-CMC Operating Guidelines